RES in the transport sector
- Renewable Energy Sources
- RES in the transport sector
In The National Energy Independence Strategy states that energy from renewable sources will become the main energy in the transport sector.
Due to improved economic conditions, final consumption of energy in the transport sector is increasing every year, while the share of biofuels is decreasing. Lithuania has a firstgeneration biofuel industry and therefore aims to maximise local consumption of sustainable local biofuels and contribute to strategic objectives. Gradually, the role of alternative fuels (electricity, hydrogen, biofuels, LNG, compressed natural gas, etc.) will increase in transport sector and the share of RES will continue increasing.
The main objective of the Strategy in fuels sector is to gradually shift to less polluting fuels and electricity consumption by making flexible and efficient use of the existing infrastructure in the oil and petroleum product sector and the local RES potential.
Fuels sector development in Lithuania should continue in accordance with the following principles:
- Competitiveness – ensuring diversified petroleum products supply and their supply alternatives as well as effective competition among market participants;
- Security – maintenance of state stocks of oil and petroleum products as well as oil refining capacities;
- Integrity (transformation) – integration of alternative fuels, reducing dependence on imported fossil fuels, increasing energy efficiency, reducing pollution.
In pursuit of the strategic objective of the fuels sector Lithuania will aim for the following targets:
- By 2020, 10% of energy consumption in the transport sector is from RES;
- By 2030, 15% of energy consumption in the transport sector is from RES and there is 50% less use of cars running on traditional fuel (petroleum and diesel) in cities;
- By 2050, 50% of energy consumption in the transport sector is from RES and there is 100% less use of cars running on traditional fuel (petroleum and diesel) in cities.
The main directions for achieving the targets:
- To increase the share of biofuels consumed in the transport sector in the general fuel balance and, given the national nuances, increase the share of biofuels mixed in fossil fuels up to the permissible limits set by the EU standards;
- To promote the use of electric vehicles, including electric cars, in the transport sector, while preserving and developing the existing network of electric vehicles; to create an electric vehicle charging network, to increase the electrification of rail transport;
- To renew public transport fleets consistently replacing them with vehicles running on electricity or alternative fuels;
- To promote the use of natural gas and other alternative fuels in heavy transport, maritime transport and public transport, exploiting the existing potential of the LNG distribution station and other LNG infrastructure.