Renewable Energy Sources
The National Energy Independence Strategy of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – the Strategy) was approved by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on 21 June 2018.
The main objective of the Strategy in the field of renewable energy sources (hereinafter referred to as the RES) is to continue to increase the share of RES in domestic energy production and total final energy consumption, thus reducing the dependence on fossil fuel imports and increasing local electricity-generating capacities.
Although RES technologies are constantly improving and the cost of equipment decreases, RES-generated energy produced in newly-installed plants is currently not yet able to compete in the market. Therefore, the production of RES energy is and will continue to be supported until the economically and technically acceptable RES development limit is reached, focusing on the proactive participation of RES energy producers under market conditions, or until the production of RES energy reaches market value.
The results sought in the Lithuanian energy sector for the years 2020, 2030 and 2050
The development of RES in Lithuania must be carried out in accordance with the following principles:
- Gradual integration of RES in the market – the most cost-effective technologies shall be developed, technological maturity shall be considered, taking into account its development trends in the near future;
- Affordability and transparency – the RES incentive scheme must be market-based, minimise market distortion and ensure minimum financial burden on energy consumers, clarity and a non-discriminatory competitive environment;
- Proactive participation of energy users – as the share of RES in the energy consumption increases, decentralised electricity production must be encouraged, consumers must be allowed to use RES energy for their own needs and to receive a reward for surplus energy supplied to the network in line with the market conditions, and consumer behaviour and energy demand and supply management solutions must be introduced.
In pursuit of the strategic RES target, the aim will be to increase the share of RES in the total final energy consumption of the country:
- to 30% by 2020;
- to 45% by 2030;
- to 80% by 2050. RES will become the main source of energy in electricity, heating and cooling, and transport sectors.
The main directions for achieving the target:
- To increase the share of electricity consumption from RES up to 30% in 2020, 45% in 2030 and 80% in 2050 compared to the final electricity consumption;
- To maximise the share of RES for district heat consumers, households with individual heating and non-household consumers with individual heating.